Monday, March 16, 2009

EFL/SPANISH 2.0 using

LingTECHguistics using


OK: I know what you are thinking..."How Girly!"

But before you click out, let me explain how this game can be an AMAZING Lingtechguistics tool.

Lesson Plan Objective: To teach the target lingo and the LingTECHlingo in a lesson with a Sustained Affective Stimulus using gogirlgames.

Target Lingo: (have this ready posted on the wall): Pastel, flor, fresa, estrella, amarillo, rojo, azul, verde, negro, muneca (doll), muneco (male doll), almeja, plantas, tope (top).

FOCAL WORD: (The word they will hear the most): Pastel (this is for them to single out from the beginning what will be the most important target word, and so they know exactly what the theme of the lesson is.

METHODOLOGY: OK- The kids know now the target lingo. Now, let's open the webpage topractice together the LINGTECHLINGO

LingTECHlingo: aprieta (click), lleva (drag), pon (put/place), agranda (enlarge), minimiza (minimize).

Now the students are have been exposed to TWO sets of target words. One set was broken down into a focal word, and then they were also exposed to picture words that are set on the walls.

The LingTECHlingo will be practiced orally and kinesthetically while the teacher will practice the commands at the same time as the children, using the computers, and having them repeat the words.

The KEY: You will have the students do the same cake for practice. You will decide how many items of what shape, and of what color, they are to place. You do this together, step by step, repeating the commands altogether.

You then explain to them how to fill out the (if in a template) pre-written paragraph where you will have them either fill out with the correct target word, or they can also re-write the entire paragraph on the space provided in the PPT. (Template recommended for smaller groups)

CONFUSED? Don't be! Follow the steps below and look at what should be your final product.





If you liked, or tried, this project, please leave me a note telling me how you modified it to your classroom needs.


IN LIGHT!appleness1*

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